Cutting Settings for: 1mm Wool Blend Felt

Hello Glowfolk,

I’m new here to this community. I just received my Glowforge & testing out 1mm Wool Blend Felt from Benzie Design. I’ve had luck cutting with settings: 300/40/1mm with a light browning on the edge of my white wool blend felt. Are there any other settings you may have tried that have not left a marking on the edge of the felt? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time and help!
Lori :slight_smile:


If you look up “felt settings” on the forum you’ll probably find some posts. The tricky part here is two fold I think: one it’s a blend, the synthetic components might get melty and two, wool is fundamentally hair, and hair burns readily and turns brown.

I don’t have an answer for you but I am guessing browning is going to be tough to avoid. You might need to just experiment with scraping the brown bits off.


Thank you for your reply! Found some suggestions that I will definitely try out. I think browning on the edge is inevitable. HAPPY FALL! :slight_smile: - Lori

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The machine uses a focused light beam to burn thru material, the best approach to reducing visible charring is to reduce the power and make multiple passes.

There’s no single answer or formula for every material, but testing using those principals will help you dial in settings that you find satisfactory.


I use synthetic felt with an adhesive backing and my edges aren’t melty. That was a relief first time I did it. Maybe if you looked at them under magnification there would be some melting.

As I only use this felt on the bottom of coasters and such I’ve never tried to dial in a setting to rid it of any browning.

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Did you figure how to eliminate the brown edge?
I just ordered some felt from Benzie to make felt flowers, those darn color collections are just so cute!

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Worked perfectly for me!