Dashboard issues

When I have 2 files open on the dashboard i am having trouble toggling between the cuts and engrave files. Not the 3 options but am having problems scrolling past about 5 options on the left. what am I doing wrong? Also is there an explanation somewhere of detailed explanations of everything in the dashboard and shortcuts… How am I missing this?

Can’t quite picture what you’re asking, but the operations in the left column are scrollable by hovering your mouse over them and spinning your middle scroll wheel. Touch screen might be two finger swipe up or down. HTH.

i guess i need a mouse.

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Yeah, I couldn’t get it to work with my touchpad. Though I have heard you can do it with a 2 finger swipe if enabled. I haven’t tried. Went out and bought a mouse. It does work with the touchscreen on my Windows 10 machine.

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