Deep Throat Leather Pony

We’re going to start working with leather, so visited our local Tandy Leather (in Shoreline WA; highly recommended).

Before we start stitching, I wanted to make sure that we had a decent stitching pony. My first design (visible in the rear of the photos) worked fine, but then I realized that its throat was so shallow that it would be hard to work on something as large as a purse (which is going to be our first project).

I made this out of 1/4" (really 0.25") MDF from Home Depot (very smoky stuff but cuts well at 125/full). I’d covered the MDF with tissue paper using tacky spray.

The sides and base are both glue-laminated. I used Titebond II glue but would recommend an adhesive with a longer working time.

I did clean it up a bit with my belt sander.

This required three full sheets of material.

A likely modification will be to add a toggle clamp; there are inexpensive ones available from Amazon. Perhaps one like this would work (though I haven’t thought this through):

Or maybe a clever individual could come up with a laser-cut assembly.

The plans are attached. The five rectangles only need to be cut once. If your material isn’t 0.25" thick, you may want to adjust the width of the rectangles (to 9x material thickness).

The long carriage bolt is a 1/4-20 x 3"; the short one is (I think) a 1/4-20 x 2".

Pony sides: pony.pdf (16.2 KB)

Pony base:pony_base.pdf (6.6 KB)


I’m really wanting to see these photos, but nothing is showing up. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a deep throat stitching pony, but you’re right, there would be a need pretty often.

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Best click bait thread title in a while. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Oh, very nice job! Thanks for the files. Wish I’d seen this before buying one (mine is not the deep throat variety though).


That’s odd… I just logged in with my iPad and I can see them. Perhaps refresh the page?

I’ll probably also post my “Tongue in Slot” project soon…


I think they just started blocking Discourse images as “freeware/shareware” on our system. ugh

Try this link:

Nice job. I was able to pull it up on my phone.

I have no idea how this sort of thing is used, but awesome!

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Oh that’s nice…wish I’d had it before buying one on Amazon. Chuckle!
Thanks for sharing the files. :grinning:



My dad is a wood turner. He also has many friends that work with wood. One friend of his had ordered titebond glue shipped to her. well she built this amazing bed. took it over to the customer’s house and it fell apart. Turned out if TB glue ever freezes(or at least gets too cold, it is basically useless. so be careful of the temp your glues get exposed to.


Neat! Very kind of you to share your files. Thank you!


I made one in 1/4” oak plywood. I should’ve read the part about resizing the squares but didn’t. Turned out okay anyway.

I did have to get a longer and thinner bolt for the horizontal slot. I went with a 4” as the 3” was too short to go across. I needed something thinner as well to fit through my 1/4” holes.

Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 4.08.51 PM Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 4.08.39 PM Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 4.08.27 PM


Very nice!! I can’t tell y’all how many times I have wanted to make one of these … I guess dreams really can come true … :grin:

Great build! Believe it or not, we haven’t even started to use ours. But it’s ready.

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Story of my life!! Made one for a buddy and he is using his practically every day. Great design, very funtional!