Deepnest (SVG nesting) is now pay what you want!

I have been playing with Deepnest to arrange wooden letters I need to cut. When I import them into the program they are smaller than they are set up in Illustrator. For instance 5 inch letters are only about 4.5 inches in Deepnest. Has anyone had a problem with scale and is this a setting thing in Deepnest?

I had this same issue. Check the Document Properties (file menu) and make sure that the scale is set to 1.0. Mine was at .26 so everything showed up at about 1/4 the size I was expecting.

Also, make sure the pixels per inch is set to 96. Inkscape used 90 for a while, but switched to 96 in recent releases.


0.92, to be exact.

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I assume the document properties are in Inkscape? I am using Illustrator. Its strange because if I open the SVG in another program it is scaled properly which makes me think its on the Deepnest side that something is not quite right.

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