Delivery time

when they go to make deliveries of machines and step over the scheduled time and nothing requesting shipping addresses

I do not fully understand what you are trying to say/ask. But here are some answers anyway:
The Glowforge is not ready to be shipped yet. The team has stated December as their delivery time frame for people that ordered in the first 30 days, but that will only hold true if they decide the Glowforge is good enough.
Once your Glowforge is ready to ship they will ask for your delivery address.


my question is
They delivered with the December without further delay

Perhaps this will help.


Puedo suponer que su lengua materna es el español? Si es así, seguir adelante y hacer su pregunta o hacer su comentario en español. Podemos ayudar. O en el idioma que elija.


never cease to be impressed by the number of skills displayed by the folk on here.


gracias por poderme ayudar con el español mi pregunta es ya que compre el
equipo los primero dias de venta afirman ustedes con seguridad que los
entregaran este año? ya que el tiempo ha pasado y muy poca informacion
importante sobre los despachos y entregas han sido publicados… otra
pregunta sera posible un plug in compatible con corel draw que funcione
con el glowforge


El equipo Glowforge espera entregar todas las máquinas ordenadas durante la campaña de “crowdfunding” a más tardar del 31 de diciembre.

Sí, usted será capaz de utilizar el software de Corel con Glowforge.

Espero que esto responda a sus preguntas. Perdonen mi pobre español.


It’s amazing what three months in Spain studying Spanish and Google translate can do! Heading to Mexico in January for a month of immersion. Oh, wait, I realize now that I’ll have about three weeks of Glowforge before I’ll be gone for a month. Bad timing!

He leído todo lo que se publica todos los días en este foro. Estoy muy seguro de que lo que se ha escrito en relación con el envío de los pedidos iniciales durante la campaña de crowdfunding sigue siendo válida: Envío en diciembre.

No sé cuál es su facilidad de lectura de Inglés es. Debe ser muy difícil de seguir este proyecto en otro idioma. Incluso los hablantes nativos de inglés discuten sobre qué significa todo esto!

Pero, @ Dan siempre insiste en que la entrega de un producto que cumpla con los estándares de calidad y capacidad técnica que se ha anunciado es la única cosa más importante que la fecha límite de diciembre. De los muchos ejemplos que se publican en el foro, y en especial las manifestaciones la Maker Faire, parece que van a estar listo. No vamos a entrar las actualizaciones de la producción o el desarrollo en este foro, sólo indicaciones sencillas que todavía están en el blanco. Sin embargo, puede haber algún problema imprevisto que causa un retardo. En algún momento, habrá un Glowforge en las manos de aquellos que ordenaron.

En cuanto a la entrega internacional, no sé cómo eso puede complicar la entrega en diciembre. Ha habido muchas preguntas en cuanto a la forma de abordar las aduanas, tasas, impuestos, regulaciones de productos y otros problemas de envío. Ellos tienen personas contratadas que tienen experiencia en conseguir un producto a la gente sin importar donde vivan. El comprador tiene que estar preparado para hacer un trabajo extra si ellos no viven en los EE.UU…

Esto es sólo mi opinión. Me siento muy confiado, pero no puedo decir que esta confianza todos con 100%.


muchs gracias por los comentarios…yo he tenido amplia experiencia con
sistemas de grabado laser gravograph epilog y hasta el trotec
… me gusta mucho la simplificacion del interface y lo simplificada que
ees la maquina solo que se ha echo larga la espera… esperemos sea un
producto de buena calidad


Thank you so much for your help with this question all! @grabadosvenezolanos, I apologize that I don’t speak Spanish well enough to be of better assistance, but @marmak3261, @dwardio, and the others helping you know almost as much about the product as I do. :slight_smile:


Is this still looking to be delivered December?

No commitment - they’re saying shipped by end of December (& only if it’s super duper and amazing). No commitment or official projections as to when they will actually arrive in anyone’s hands.

Based on the decision to do another round of post-beta, pre-general release shipping the end of this month before making decisions about December (see Dan’s recent posts on the topic), it seems unlikely that they will ship anyone else’s until the back half of December at the earliest (time for the others to arrive and be smoke tested at least has got to be two weeks and possibly more).

It feels more likely that New Years Eve is the likely ship date assuming they don’t delay again.


I will pull out if not by the end of DEC… over a year is way to long.

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This is just conjecture on my part, but even taking everything Dan has said about doing it right over doing it fast, I can’t imagine that there is not a boat-load of pressure not to miss this next deadline by even an hour. Glowforge is a new company going into a field with well established competition that I’m sure don’t like the upstart putting waves out on their otherwise placid existence. One large delay for a start-up trying to pioneer new tech and do something revolutionary in a particular space can be easily tolerated. If they fail to deliver again it’s going to add too much ammunition to their competition’s cannons. There’s already enough bogus posts out there about the Glowforge being vapor-ware, and the reason it was delayed was because they couldn’t deliver what they promised. Even after the Glowforge comes out it won’t be able to erase those old posts with anything other than a lot of time – for an attention destroying technology, the internet has a very long memory. I guess that’s why I’m not worried. While Dan and his team are committed to making the best home-laser-cutter-experience ever, they are also still working from within the corporate world with investors with high expectations and a ton of pre-orders that they can’t afford to lose. I could be wrong, and New Years Day my prove me to be, but if New Years dawns and Glowforges haven’t starting shipping I will be surprised. The company and dan has shown too much vision to miss a basic business fact like that. First impressions can make you or break you and another delay will seriously mar the company’s first impression. Just my 2 cents, feel free to give me change back if I over charged.


I think it will likely ship really close to the 31st. I don’t expect it’s delivering this year. Just not enough time with the new group of preview units going out (& the impact of holidays).

If it slips into January then it does start to get ugly. I don’t expect it will kill tens of millions of sales but it will be a serious drag on the company for the next year. If FSL actually comes out with a delivered Muse, all bets are off.


You’re right. From my perspective–not that it matters, I’ve been yelling at the Cowboys every Sunday for years, but they don’t do what I think they need to either-- as long as shipping has started, then all is good. I don’t think deliveries have to have started, but the process, hopefully, will have begun. And I’m not saying any of this as a complaint or criticism, just playing arm chair quarter-back. It’s probably the only position on the team I’m fit to play!

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