Designing Perfectly Pressure Fitting Finger Joint Boxes

I really wanted to make a comprehensive guide to show anyone who may be interested in how to design perfectly-fitting finger joints. I would love to know your thoughts and any feedback is more than welcome. The free box file is here in the description of the video.

P.S. Sorry if you have seen this video in any laser Facebook groups, I’ve been posting in them for feedback to tripel checking I put everything important in the video as I really want this to be a great video to help everyone understand the concept.


I like that your well-done videos are bringing these concepts to a broader audience.

I also like that you used alignment pins from the same material as you are making the box from.

You use much the same techniques’ that I do include the sample files that I refer to as kerfinators.

A major thing missing is that besides the box programs (that I mostly find way too limiting) and 2d CAD/vector programs, a lot of us really like using a 3d modeling program for our designs.


Thanks markevans,
I really want laser cutters to be the next 3d printing boom :rofl: . ( I’m amazed there not more mainstream yet, close but not just yet ). HA kerfinators. Those sound epic! Ya I used to have a master kerf file in my old workplace where I had all the kref joints pre-made in order of material and thickness that I already figured out. Was by far my most used file plus most backed up :lock: . Hours of reaserch in that one file.

I would slightly argue that I’m using a 3d program (rhino 3d) in a 2d way :upside_down_face: . Plus in later videos, it can come in really handy to work with both polysurfaces and curves with complicated builds. I’m sure I’ll show this off in the puzzle box videos that I teased at the end of this video.

Once again, so glad you liked it :grin:


As someone who has several smart maker machines and knows the crowd here pretty well I’d say most of us share that feeling.


A perfeck idea for a sign! “Tripel check everything!”

Even when they need to be hammered into place I still prefer to add a bit of glue to make sure they do not break loose.


I have found that humidity and temperature will affect finger joints in wood. I have made several boxes in this style that have come apart over time and now won’t go back together. Just something to keep in mind.


This is an excellent video. I am having flashbacks of all I went through learning this. If I am doing custom finger joints, this is how I build them up in Inkscape.