I play a live action roleplaying game called Dystopia Rising. It’s an immersive post-apocalyptic game with a complex resource management system and economy. To ‘create’ items in play you need certain infrastructure, like workbenches or forges. They are represented by realistic props, but the ‘game’ portion has the rules written on a card for the item in question.
The cards are 3x2.5 inches, and unfortunately when used in play sometimes get misplaced; someone gets interrupted (IE attacked by raiders or a zombie horde) while transporting the card (to show you were working at the bench) to logistics (where you turn in resources you used for crafting to get finished items. To help with this, I made a board to hold the ‘paperwork’ (our in-game term for describing the out of game item card).
Warning: some profanity, written in an stylized “Old York” accent.
I’ll be cutting an acrylic cover (you can see the holes in the board) and using Chicago rivets to hold it in place, acrylic over to card holding it to the board. The board is Draftboard, the process took about 20 minutes to design and 30 to cut/engrave.