Discussion of September Announcement

There should be a pending customer approval of anything the repair facility thinks should be done, along with a detailed invoice of what is approved/accomplished. I can’t fathom just being handed a number and told to pay it.
Understand that it isn’t that I don’t trust the company, it’s just standard business practice to document parts cost (surely the company keeps track of bad parts just for failure analysis) and labor costs - purely for transparency. :thinking:


That they announced that they’re changing repair facilities means this might actually be a possibility in the future. I don’t think they liked the black hole of repairs any more than we did.


Ah, an optimist. My personality, or lack thereof, needs data.


That’s our own “Spock”.


That’s great! Thanks!

Actually probably not since the problem is more international than US, liability laws vary so much between countries. Just like laser laws probably… Since my employer has operations and clients in almost every country on earth the contracts are a nightmare due to the international variances.


Can I pay 50 cents a month just to draw squares that I use for test cuts when I forget to put them on my design? :wink: That’s literally the only feature of this set that I’ve used. It’s been damn useful, but not $15/mo useful.

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You keep a square on your computer and you can drag and drop into your GFUI at any time. I did this for years before the square arrived. And back then we could not resize it differentially :crazy_face:

Now that is much easier,


You’re right, I didn’t consider international.

Im sure this has been asked a thousand times, but for the life of my I cant find it in a search, so I do apologize.

Is there ever going to be a way to put the designs in the dashboard into folders for better organization?




It’s probably the most-requested feature.


I literally picture @dan kneeling in the sand screaming in his best Charlton Heston “You Maniacs, You blew it up, you didn’t consider international!!!”


I cut something once every week or two. Granted when I cut something, it ends up being several jobs as I hone it in and get the design figured out. But even then, at $15 a month it ends up being about a $5 surcharge everytime I use my machine if I want premium features. I’d like to see a plan (maybe pay as you use or something) that’s geared towards low volume users like myself.

I’ll probably end up subscribing for now, despite it not really being worth it for me personally. I feel kinda coerced into doing so seeing as if I want these features in the future and I want to decide later, it will cost me over three times as much. I know that’s a pessimistic way of looking at a special offer extended, but if $15 feels too high for my use, then I can kiss the features good bye at a $50 price point. So it really does feel like you’re telling me “subscribe now at $15 or you won’t ever see any benefits of this”.


Personally, if I were in your situation, I’d pay the $15 for the next 2 years knowing that the deep discount is never going to be offered again. Once you start using the machine again, you would make back your lost money in less than a year by avoiding the higher $50 subscription rate.

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Do I have to pay for 2 upgrades if I own 2 GF?

I don’t think so…it’s tied to your account, not the machine. :slightly_smiling_face:

thx ,Jules!

Dan, is this true? I bought 2 GF with different emails

@dan Would you please clarify what is meant by “This discount does not have an expiration date if you use it” regarding the 70% discount. Does this mean that if we sign-up before November 3rd and we pause or cancel our Premium subscription in a few months that if we decide to restart the subscription later on it will remain at the 70% off price?

Or is it sign-up now and the discounted price applies as long as you maintain an active subscription?


You can invite one of your accounts to be a user on whichever one has bought the upgrade.