As a wife myself, I can assume your wife feels that you are geek enough for the both of you and she’s just trying to balance it out. If she channeled any inner geek, you’d be wayyyy to geek- heavy as a couple lol
Really great work BTW!! I must say, I had never heard of the hugs Bison until I saw your work.
The Higgs boson’s discovery was the last great piece of particle physics to be verified so it was a big deal a few years ago when it was confirmed - even hit the mainstream papers. But the Hugs Bison didn’t @takitus was the one who clued me in that it’s been a thing in the physics Internet world for awhile. I felt so ungeeked
I like them, though it looks like some have some spacing issues?
The explanations for those who are interested:
Found the hugs bison is a riff on finding the higgs boson particle, oh wordplay.
Shrodingers cat is alive/dead, deals with a famous physicist thought experiment with quantum mechanics. He didn’t like the interpretations being made and came up with the idea to show how silly it all was, essentially the cat would need to be in a superposition where it was both alive and dead at the same time. Interestingly as study continued it showed that his joke is likely true.
I’m not lazy, i’m just overflowing with ‘potential energy’ a common tee shirt slogan. Though the formula actually shows negative potential energy, it might be a space issue, or it could be a sassy twist, not sure.
Rocket fuel with the chemical symbol for caffeine, though again looks like a space issue as we’re missing elements.
We have heisenberg in a box. Pay the ransom to get him back. Or not. Another quantum mechanics joke, Heisenberg is famous for the uncertainty principle. And if you recall the previous joke about Schrodinger, he put his imaginary cat in a box. So Heisenberg is in the box now, and you may or may not get him back.
[quote=“newbies_234, post:27, topic:8214”]
Shrodingers cat is alive/dead, [/quote]
There is an attempt to use negative space in the A L I V E engrave - in between those letters are D E A D which is the reason for some funny engraves in between the ALIVE letters if you didn’t see the DEAD
Intentionally negative. Not sure I’ve ever been called “sassy” before. Twisted yes.
Yeah, that’s the methyl group that’s missing as someone else pointed out. I used the skeletal group from Wikipedia because I figure that’s the one most people might possibly recognize (it tends to be the one used for coffee mugs and t-shirts).
I think it’s how your brain is wired. Some people see it right away, others only after you point it out and some just can’t. It’s like those stereoscopic pictures that were a rage back in the 90s (I think) where it looked like some kind of odd pattern but if you crossed your eyes you’d see a shipwreck or space launch or something.
As a physics geek myself, I approve!!! I’m not sure I would be compatible with a non-geek. They would have to have gone through extensive geek training in order for us to be happy at least (luckily for me, my husband is a computer geek so our respective geekiness compliment each other .
Another I’ve seen: “Never trust an atom…they make up everything!”
And my personal favorite:
“Why are there so many songs about arcs of electromagnetic radiation, with wavelengths between 380 and 750 nm in concentric rings formed by the refraction and reflection of solar energy off of moisture in the earth’s atmosphere?” (an homage to both Kermit and spectroscopy, two of my favorite things) Not sure if that would fit too well into a coaster, though .
I think it was earlier than that and never once did I see the hidden picture, but I saw dead and alive immediately in your coaster. Probably says a lot about me.