Made with gold and silver mirrored acrylic I found on Inventables. Engraved on the backside.
Stunning, did you anneal it?
Nope, just engraved and cut. Glued both pieces together with super glue.
Good design and a model to display it as well. Great job.
Great looking tag on an adorable pup!
Nice tag … Gorgeous dog!
But you might want to obfuscate your phone numbers and re-post the image. The forum is public.
One of the best dressed dogs around!
Thanks for the advice!
hey, would love to know what setting you used to engrave and cut the mirror acrylic. so cute!
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Speed: 175
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Looks amazing! Would you mind informing me on whether or not you masked any part of the acrylic before cut and engraving? Did your acrylic come with a thin, plastic protective sheet and did you leave it on for the laser process?
I bought the acrylic from Inventables. It did come with the plastic on one side. I engraved on the backside which did not have plastic. And I did not mask. You usually don’t want masking for engravings because it can be difficult to remove.
I just purchased some with the plastic masking on the side where you see reflection. Should I remove that plastic or is that on to prevent burn marks? Just wondering because I dont want any plastics to melt together.
Yes, remove the plastic.
I actually engraved on the back gray side. I didn’t engrave on the front reflective side. Just be sure to invert your design.
I did engrave on the back gray side as well with the masking on the other side. I suppose I need to lay down some newspaper as well to prevent the flashback? Did you do that?
I did not have any issues with flashback. But yeah, if you do then newspaper would be the solution. Good luck!
Interesting… Maybe because you got casted acrylic, which has a higher melting temperature. Thanks for your help!