Dressage letter update

If you recall I had posted making replacement large format letters (dressage coordinates are based on a series of letters related to German medieval court layout) for our indoor dressage ring out of Draftboard. We finally got them all installed (everyone is very happy given how much thinner they and draftboard will give compared to 3/4” plywood, so as not to break a knee when your horse rubs you on the wall). They are all attached via VHB tape

Here is my horse Luna (my wife is riding her). For those who are curious my horse is a 16’2 registered appendix (out of the Virginia Tech breeding program)

You can see the old style under the. I viewing room window)


Nice! I had to look up what an appendix was again. My current lesson horse (after a 30-year hiatus) is part draft so he has the biggest feet. The pre-teens next to me also grooming their lesson horses don’t understand why my instructor always cleans his feet for me. a) I’m blind as a bat and don’t want to have to put my reading glasses on to see his hooves and 2) my instructor was my flower girl over 3 decades ago so I’m allowed a few liberties. Her mom was my instructor 3 decades ago.


Great job and beautiful horse!


That is cool, thanks for sharing!

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