Driftwood engrave

We were at the beach with some friends, and we all swore we had seen a dead body floating a little ways off. Our friends had actually found one once and one of them had performed CPR, but they were already too late. Since this wasn’t the first time for them, we had it in our minds that this was exactly what we could be seeing. We were all in the water quite a way out, so I rushed back to the beach to get my drone to inspect what was going on. I’d say 50% of the time when I bring my drone out I get stopped by some passerby, and this time was no different. Typically I don’t mind sharing what I see or what I know of drones, but as I was in a rush, I probably came off as a jerk, but I also didn’t want to let this guy know I was actively searching for a dead body. My wife came in swearing she knew for sure it was a dead body.

Finally got my drone to where I could see it…turned out to be a turtle just floating along. Maybe we’d just had it on our minds and saw what our minds made us, but that trip was quite the rollercoaster of emotions.

In lighter news, I agree that the wood would vary by species, but I think most driftwood would probably be alright. Earrings aren’t putting up with the same amounts of stress that a keychain would, right? I don’t wear them, so I’m not sure what kind of shenanigans would be going on!


Great story!!

Unfortunately the lakes here in East Tennessee have lots of dead bodies. Car accidents, boat accidents, suicides, murders and drownings.

Drownings because people do not know how to swim, drownings because someone jumped off the cliff, drownings because someone smoked too much marijuana, drownings because someone drank too much alcohol, drownings because the boat overturned when it got caught in the under current at the dam.

Number one way to drown at an East Tennessee lake——-Heart attack caused by seeing a 30 foot catfish!!


@eflyguy it is probably all koa, haole koa that is… :slight_smile: Hmm, I am seeing a marketing idea… @raymondking32 you want in on selling haole koa? Heh. It is an invasive species weed.

@jeanneleigh mahalo!

@JimmyWayneWestie driftwood with the essence of corpses. We have a giant flower here called the corpse flower that smells like death when it blooms. Glad it isn’t part of our landscaping, buuut have plenty of koa, of the haole variety.