Drink coasters

I’m starting to get the hang of GF prepress with Affinity Designer. Initially, my design had a lot of layers and I forgot to remove the portions that were behind opaque graphics, so my first print had scores and engraves on top of engraves — basically a mess!

So… I got to work converting to curves, expanding strokes, and using “Add” and “Subtract.” This is one of several designs:


We all had to go through the learning curve.


cool! @rbtdanforth made a cool round coaster holder…


That’s a fine looking coaster. :blush:


i hope to learn affinity design one day…


Udemy.com and skillshare.com has awesome courses on Affinity Designer.

Currently skillshare.com has93 different courses on Affinity Designer. Jeremy Hazel is one of the best.

A few months ago, I paid $49 to take a years worth of classes at skillshare.com. I can take as many classes as I want. The courses do not have to be the same subject. There are thousands of classes available in hundreds of subjects.

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Ooh! Thank you! I love this!!

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If you know Adobe Illustrator, it’ll make sense. The biggest difference is that prepress for masks for the GF is a bit different.

Love this! I’ll check it out. Thank you! I use Udemy and Skillshare for Fusion 3D, but never thought to look it up for Affinity Designer.

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