Easter rock

So, my neighborhood is having a kindness rock hunt tomorrow, and thanks so much to @Aloha for giving me the idea to engrave a rock with TP! I did have to spray paint the rock first in order to get it show up, but I think it’s really cute. And, I used the new design library,took like ten minutes!


What is a kindness rock hunt like?

People paint rocks and hide them. Then the kids go around (hopefully 6 feet apart) hunting, and when they find one they take a picture of it. Like a pictorial rock collection I guess. It’s a substitute for the Easter egg hunt they can’t do this year.


I really LOVE the rock and the idea!!! I have always wanted to engrave a rock. What were your settings? Did you spray the rock with any product? Did you mask the rock?


Eesh hopefully. Kids aren’t good at that.

The new guidance is suggesting that six feet isn’t nearly enough. My new rule is “if you’re not yelling you’re too close”.


I had to spray paint it because the engraving didn’t show up too well. And all I had was metallic black so I didn’t bother to mask lol. I just searched for settings in beyond the manual and used those (I don’t think it really matters when you are lasering off spray paint though).

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Tell that to the kids riding by in the golf cart while I was putting the rock out :flushed:

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Except that when you’re yelling you release even MORE particles. So then you have to be even farther apart. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hence the need for masks for all… oh, rabbit hole. Back to non-denominational happiness rock hunting… a fun idea.


That is really neat! TP rocks!
You can also put on the back of them an advert for a local glass window replacement company. “ACME Glass, We’re here when you need us, Call 555-1212 for fast service”


Our neighborhood has been doing things like that for the past two weeks.

Here you just randomly leave them along the sidewalk and kids find them and leave their own. No one really goes at the same time like an Easter egg hunt.

We also have been placing teddy bears in the windows for “bear hunts” and leaving puzzles on the porch for puzzle exchanges.

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They did a bear hunt in my neighborhood too! I really wanted to laser something but I didn’t have enough notice. However, my neighbors went wild, some kids spotted 150 bears (and our neighborhood only has 140 houses).


My son went around and put stuffed animals in all of our windows for kids walking by. Something like 40 stuffed animals are now sitting in chairs, on tables or windowsills in this house.


So, it’s a happy place! Love it!