From the image, you have too low of an appreciation of your work - not at all unusual for artists.
That’s right, there is an artist within the engineer.
The lines that define the boy, how did you score them?
Too bad the laser has trouble, nacre and abalone were some I was hoping to work. The shattering I presume is thermal shock?
Considering the changes in residue that result from different settings, maybe it could be dialed in…?
Thanks, I had seen that article the night before trying the MOP on the Glowforge. I think he is using veneer sheets of MOP. On the order of 0.008". My standard blanks are 0.06". As I said above, I am going to try the much thinner veneers soon. It’s not something I normally have because it’s too thin for some of my applications. Might work in a laser though.
Awesome! I’m supper thrilled that this works! Ostara, the spring Equinox pagan festival, is a very important holiday for me and knowing that eggs will fit makes me soooo thrilled! I have plans on making laser cut eggs for friends and family. Wish I had my GF this year so I could make some. I’ll be patient and wait till next year…
I also plan on experimenting with Mother of Pearl and make replacement parts for watches and clocks.