Electroengraving masking

I would suppose the quoted thickness for the tape of 1 thou is the paper backing. They didn’t add the glue layer, which you are also reading ?


Hmmm, yeah, I could buy that.

Where is the “electroengraving” part in this?..oh wait, the mask material is typically used in electroengraving? :blush:

Yes, all of this to to produce an acid resist mask for etching metal. It can be done with a chemical like Ferric Chloride, or with an electrolyte, and a few volts of DC.

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Got five colors put down, figured I’d better take a picture before I attempt the clear coat. Although I’ve gotten somewhat good at doing multiple layers of powder coat, it’s still a challenge. Then since I had the pic, I figured I’d post it up. This was done entirely by masking with the blue tape.

I didn’t do any compensation for kerf on this, so the colors ended up overlapped slightly (no kerf compensation meant that the holes in the mask were cut slightly oversize). To try to fix that, I did a raster engraving of a thin outline around all the colors. That step added a decent amount of time and uncertainty that I’d rather avoid. For instance, I can now see that there is still some crud in at least one place that I still need to clean out, even though I did the rastering twice.

The next time I do this (which will be real soon) I’m going to try to make the holes in the mask every-so-slightly undersize so that the different colors will be close together, but not quite touching.


Wow @Hirudin that looks fantastic. Nice Job.


That is gorgeous! Now you are making me want to learn to do that.


Nicely done!

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That looks fantastic! (Love the color choices too!)


Wow. And talk about scale.

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