Engrave on metal utensils

Is save to engrave on metal utensils (like grill tools) and if yes does anyone has settings.
Thank you in advance for any feedback

It is generally safe to engrave metal, but the Glowforge cannot engrave on bare metal. It can mark metal if an agent like Cermark is sprayed on the metal before it is engraved.


The Glowforge doesn’t have the power to engrave onto that kind of metal. But you CAN get special engraving pre-treatment like this:

That you spray/brush onto the metal and when you hit it with a laser it leaves a permanent marking behind.

Beat me by THAT much…


I’m not sure I would trust this to be food safe.

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Can can do a test but want to be sure was safe for the Glowforge, I am stress since I am new and don’t want to harm the machine. So is safe? Does anyone has settings?

So is safe? Anyone has settings?
Thank you for your advice

We can only discuss settings for non Proofgrade items in the Beyond the Manual section of the forum. Here is an examples of engraving on metal: Metal Marking Settings For New And Improved Cermark Replacement (laserbond 100)

Thank you so much



Works using dry molly lube too, which is much much cheaper than cermark. This is what I used to engrave on metal bbq tools!


If you’re worried about food-safe, I understand that MUSTARD works as well. (Seriously)

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