Engraved Silicone Bracelets

Hi there! I am trying to engrave a silicone coaster and your settings work great but no matter how much I scrub the silicone afterwards, the engraved portion is still brown. Am I doing something wrong?

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If the residue is not grayish black dust and instead is melty brown or yellowish, the coaster isn’t the right kind of silicone and is most likely TPU. At least that’s what I have found.


Hi @sarahmpriest, that jig looks amazing, but I haven’t been able to download it. Is the link still available?

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It’s the last image in the original post.

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Ya, i’m just having trouble downloading it. It must be my computer. Thanks!

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You’ll want to right click and save the the file from the preview. Are you seeing that option when you hover over the image on the bottom of the main post and then right click?

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how do I download the jig so it’s the appropriate size and what size/depth of board?

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Welcome to the community. Right click on the graphic just below the photos and ‘save as’…it will save it as an svg. Looks to me that it’s cut out of 1/8" material. Nothing thicker would be necessary for bands like that.


I feel like I’m missing something big trying to figure out how to center these. I’ve gone through at least 20. how do you make sure the jig is in the same place as when you created the file? I’m missing something. tutorial?

You can mark the outline of the jig with tape on your honeycomb tray.


Have your design include a cut outline. Secure the jig material (typically cardboard) and cut the outline of your target. Without disturbing the jig, remove the cut part and put your bracelet in its place. Ignore the cut and print the engrave.

If you want to re-use the jig at a later time, mark the edges on the tray with tape as stated, and re-align and secure it it when needed. Obviously, you would need to re-use the same file so you can align your different designs with the original cutout, set to ignore.


I know this post is old but THANK YOU!! Your settings are perfect and I’ve been selling these armbands back to back! Thank you!


Saw this post resurface last week. Decided to give it a try.

The settings and the jig worked great. As well as the link to the amazon bracelets.