The main framework for the book nook was designed in the brilliant SVG creator, Cuttle. The furniture was also made in cuttle, and I utilised every spare inch so that this all fits onto one board.
For this version, I made the larger frames from paper, but if you look at the Van Gogh self portrait, that has a wooden frame, and I’m sorely tempted to make the larger frames from wood rather than paper.
No, it is a book nook kit, where you build the nook, then solve the clues. There are four questions that need answering, and all the answers combine elements of the room itself to solve it.
One of my clients has me making frames for her miniatures with 1/16" acrylics, or for the wood, I put two layers of veneer together with a 3M backing. That might help if you want wood but scaled proportions.
Also, what is the calendar supposed to say? My husband and I are scratching our heads on that one.