I’ve seen versions of this around, so I simply had to make my own take on “Family Scrabble Coasters.” I love how they came out! I wanted to keep all of the project limited to what I can cut/engrave on the Glowforge (Basic), so I made the coasters just over 3" square so all 6 would fit on a rack that also fit on a piece of Proofgrade.
I’m trying a version in Walnut now. I’m going to paint the letters/numbers white. I think it’ll look even better. We will see…
I know, right? The one challenge I’ve faced is to keep the set at a reasonable length while keeping each coaster large enough to use as a coaster. I can’t do more than 6 at 3” square and still cut everything on the Glowforge (Basic), so that eliminates a lot of family names due to length. Also, making the rack longer makes it fairly unwieldy in terms of overall size for useful placement in a room. See what I mean?
Sure. I’ve thought a lot about options like that, but I’m also thinking about overall placement in a home somewhere. Something that large would still work on some mantles, but I want to keep it close to where coasters are generally used and not be completely overwhelming from a size perspective.
I will continue to work on the idea and will probably make other versions for other applications - along the lines you’re talking about.