I honestly can’t believe this hasn’t come up before, but while searching led me to a bunch of projects using faux fur, I didn’t see any settings - so hopefully these help someone out!
Interstingly enough these are my exact same settings for craft foam (the stuff with adhesive on the back). These cut through the polyester backing of the faux fur, but didn’t damage the fur at all!
In case it’s unclear, I cut with the fur side down and the fabric side up. I also weighed it down with a bunch of magnets to try and get a vaguely flat surface.
I never would have thought to even attempt this. I would have thought the fur would have burst into flames and eaten my machine. Your bravery seems well rewarded.
Oh cool! I wonder if you could tape over the whole piece with 12” masking tape down to the crumb tray and hold it that way. Or better yet, tape it to a piece of cardstock, to reduce flashback.