Final strech challenge

Very nice ! (It’s like 93 days until Xmas ! :scream:)

Ok, so I’ve been saving a lot of cardboard to experiment on before I mess up good wood and plastic. so I have been trying to think of something original I would like to make that is appropriate for cardboard. then it hit me, I could make disposable paint palettes!

so here is my amateur stab at the design (first drawing in fusion 360, I’m a solidworks guy) Paint Palette.dxf (2.7 KB)


Good idea! Don’t forget to spray them with a water-resistant sealer after you cut them.


I was just thinking of using them for oil paints, but that is a great idea for all the other types!

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My design is coming along. I’ve got the faction box to a point where I’m happy with it. I’ve been working on the overall box and a card tray as well, but I decided to take the faction box to the full design before I spent more time on the rest of it.

Here’s the main box. I decided to use base-holders instead of the rails, mainly because I found that my design was too short for the mechs to stand vertical. I had to widen the box to accommodate them on their side, and in the end I had to re-draw the entire thing because my parametrics were inadequate and caused all of my other components to disappear.

Here’s the lid. It has the upper half of the character and mech base-holders attached to it, and has clips to squeeze the vertical walls of the box, and the holes in the top are so that it can be lifted out of the main box easily.

And here are both pieces in the same image. Bear in mind that this whole box is 130mm long by only 89mm wide, so it’s pretty small. But there will be seven of these in the final box, one for each faction.


Looks good!

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