Find files to purchase - in this case, Grand line map from a show called "one piece"

Hi all!

So I want to purchase a svg of the map from a anime show my son watches called One Piece. I can locate a completed map on etsy but was hoping to create one or buy the SVG. Which brought me to this post, do you all just “search the internet” or are there other ways to locate someone who either has the file for sale or can create it for you until I am more able to create files on my own?

Thank you!!


When I buy files, I make a point of buying direct from the buyer as I feel it is quite unethical to ask someone to copy another person’s file or intellectual property. Many, many of the files being sold on Etsy and elsewhere are pirate copies of other people’s work or items that should not be for sale since the seller does not have the right to sell licensed items (think Disney).

The short answer to your question is I search for items I want and buy only from sources that have the proper credentials.


Ok, thank you. If you are aware, are there sites, maybe even “Fiverr” “UpWork” and the like where someone could create at a cost, of course the file I want? I have searched google for it and I am not finding a “digital File” to purchase like I have for other items.
Appreciate the help. Still relatively new at the whole laser part of creating things. :slight_smile:


If you are only going to make one for family, I would not expect you would be sued for copyright. However, I would look for ideas that you can create, perhaps with AI help like Magic Canvas, and be ready to have to modify that to your need.


What I am trying to reproduce is from a show called One Piece and I found this on Etsy. Which is literally what I am looking to do. Of course, within legal rights and all that. I am simply not sure if Etsy is the only place to purchase digital files. Still navigating the laser world :slight_smile:


I love One Piece, been watching it almost 20 years.

It might be easier if you searched for “Map of the Grand Line.”

Seems most people are selling completed maps, but with that search, you can find images of the map from the manga/anime.


They’re are definitely a lot of folks selling digital files on Etsy, but because of what @dklgood mentioned, many don’t use the actual show name.

Adding “digital” to your search will help.
I found one artist with a bunch of stuff, but I’m not sure if any of it is exactly what you need…but it’s a start :slight_smile:

They’re selling it as a png, but they were clearly created as vectors so you might be able to contact them directly about vectors.




Thank you, I appreciate the advice very much.
For what it’s worth I will return and post my results. (if any) :slight_smile:


Hi :blush:

I actually create most of the files myself. But that’s also because I always have too many demands :face_with_peeking_eye:
I found a map on deviantart. You can use many things privately, otherwise you can talk to the creators to see if they sell a license.
Maybe that will help you. :blush:



Thank you so much for posting this. Now I will attempt to determine what to do with it. Over to Google I go… :slight_smile:
My son loves this show so, this is for him. I will however, look into license concerns.

Thank you again!

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