Finished Kentucky Bourbon trail variation


That is outstanding. It would be a big hit at our Derby party. I especially like the miniature barrel heads.


This is absolutely outstanding. I love it!!


silly… no derby parties! King Andy says so.


This is a really awesome idea, love all things map! (still use the car/motorcycle GPS though :grin:)

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I have lived in North Carolina since 1978. We did not have a Derby Party last year and will not have one this year, but 2022 looks possible. My wife and I have hosted the Triangle Area UK Alumni Club Derby party for the past 20 years. We have anywhere from 50 to 65 attendees. We are always looking for ideas for door prizes and raffle items.


well see you can get away with such activities if you AREN’T in KENTUCKY!

our dear dumkompf, in Frankfort has worked overtime to crater our economy.

thus ensuring that the teachers that voted him into office, because they hated Bevin, will be able to fully enjoy tree bark soup and dirt muffins in their retirements. :slight_smile:

That is a lovely project!

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Great Piece. The little barrel tops are neat.

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Let me know what you’re interested in and I’ll concept and manifest

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You should contact the distilleries on the route to see if they would be willing to sell them in their business for a cut! I bet you could get a nice price for those…tourists are always willing to pay a little more to have something nice like that to hang in their home bars/man-caves!!! :money_mouth_face: