How did you see it?
I honestly don’t remember. It may have been on Facebook or Kickstarter - I frequent both. Once I saw the video for the , I forgot where I came from.
What did you first think?
Wow! This thing is amazing! The video sold me on wanting a Glowforge. Seeing the cool things this was advertised to do, like cutting chocolate rockets, the Settlers of Katan board (although I didn’t know what it was), the quad copter, and the sushi rolls. This thing represents the freedom to utilize my creativity.
How long did it take you to decide?
I pretty much decided by the end of the video. A bit more reading helped me to decide on the pro model due to the capability of the pass through, and the advertised auto-align feature. The things I want to accomplish with it were running through my mind fast. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted it.
What, if any, reading did you do or discussions did you have before deciding?
I read just about every corner of the Glowforge website. I read everything I could find on the web about Dan in order to evaluate the likelihood of this device becoming a reality. I read up a little on other lasers, and then watched all the Glowforge YouTube videos I could find.
Was anyone else a part of the decision?
Well, Dan was. Reading up on the great things Dan has done in the past, solidified my decision. Other than that, no. I’m sure all of my friends got tired of me talking about it and showing them the video.
What do you hope to get from your Glowforge?
I’ve already been able to easily express my creativity with the Glowforge, which is a requirement for life fulfillment for me. The next step is to begin prototyping a few products I have floating around in my head.
If the purchase was wildly successful, tell us why and how you feel about it!
The Glowforge has allowed me to fulfill many of my creative needs! I get excited when I get to spend time making things with it. Prototyping is much easier when I can try something out, quickly make changes, and produce my changes all in house. As a toy, it was worth the money. As a tool, it will pay for itself quickly.
A personal note
@dan - The road has been long, but you have kept us informed of the challenges and wins. Receiving a copy of The Hot Seat was helpful in filling the gap, and further inspiring me to develop a plan for a nonprofit I’ve been planning for years. Thank you Dan.