I believe I first found out about glowforge from fellow makers sharing it on their facebook page. I had a couple friends who used laser cutters for their cosplay and seeing their projects come to life made me really wish I had one too.
The website made an excellent first impression on me and I loved all the videos showcasing each project that could be made with the glowforge. Around the same time when glowforge first launched was when I discovered the makerspace known as Techshop. Since glowforge was in preorder status, I decided I’ll join Techshop instead of preordering in order to get started right away. I figured I could always pay the more expensive rate if I really would use the laser cutter and engraving machine to warrent the hefty price tag. Well I ended up being a member of techshop for 2 years until it went bankrupt and I did end up spending majority of my time needing this type of machine. Because of the hands-on experience, I knew I needed to buy a Glowforge (it was a huge plus when the company gave discounts to techshop orphans).
So my glowforge arrived last week and I’ve been playing with it nearly every day, I love it! There are a few things that I wish the app had right now (like a pause button, save cutting preferences, and numerical position and scale), but I know these basic features are coming.
My family was delighted at a project I made with my 6 year old niece for Chinese New Years when I used the scan and engrave feature with a drawing she did that day. She was grinning ear to ear holding her artwork engraved in wood. I think it’s important to inspire children to make at a young age to spark creativity, a sense of wonder, and that they make it happen. Glowforge is a perfect tool for that!