First acrylic print

This night light was my first time using acrylic !!! I made this for my nephew. Let me tell you guys, I am so proud of myself right now. I know this is not perfect but it far surpassed my expectations! I love acrylic now


Those night lights are a fun and very rewarding thing to make…I know your nephew will love it!


Looking good!


I’m an acrylic lover, too…have been since the first time I tried it. Edge lit lights are so much fun to make and so addictive. This one looks great!


Great first print!!! Looks great!

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Acrylic is great to laser, looks great!

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KAPOW ! I think you are now his favorite uncle.

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Very awesome job. Now that you have one that looks like it fits perfectly, you’ll be modifying the design and making tons! One word of advice, and I’m not sure if you already did or not, can’t tell, but, mirror the image before you’re ready to engrave. That way, after you DO run the print process, when you put the acrylic in the light base, you will see the smooth side of the piece :slight_smile: (Hope that made sense…)

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This is great… I just ordered my GF last night and one of the first things that I am making is a Green Lantern night light for a friend.

Thanks for your two cents worth, experience counts and I am just now figuring out how to make one thing cut/engrave before another. I have been putting off doing acrylic because of the cost, but I do have a few laptop LCD screens saved up. I hope these will work for edge lit displays like this one,

I just got my GF, probably 2 months ago, and what you said didn’t make a bit of sense. Is there a chance you can elaborate or point to an article or post with more information ?


Hey @marks I will message you.

Excellent choice for edge-lit acrylic!

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