For my nephew the gamer…his current favorite game. And…late birthday present.
Need to make an insert to keep it completely vertical since the proofgrade acrylic is thinner than the slot.
For my nephew the gamer…his current favorite game. And…late birthday present.
Need to make an insert to keep it completely vertical since the proofgrade acrylic is thinner than the slot.
That’s the same base I used on mine - I 3D printed a 1/16" piece of plastic to wedge into mine and it worked great.
Your sign looks awesome!
Great edge-lit!
Funny thing on that.
I bought 4 of these at one time (should have gotten smart and bought the dozen pack since all used up//given away now).
Looks like the same flavor (with a tiny remote to change color etc)
Two had one width, and the other two were thinner.
End result was two were loose and I had to put a small sliver of gorilla tape on the bottom to make it hold upright.
The other needed a little shaved off on the tab that sticks in.
I know people say they don’t make things like they use to, but really…
If I only had a 3-D printer…next tool on the list.
I’ve been using 1/16" balsa or ply and darkening the edge with a black sharpie. Also craft foam.
What base is that?
From Amazon
Pannow Touch LED Night Light Base Night Lamp Base
that looks great! which engrave setting did you use?
I have found I have a pretty good cut that wedges so tightly into the base that it stay perfectly.
I used the default proofgrade settings but changed it from SD engrave to 3D engrave, but I used a couple of colors so the letters at the bottom are not as deep as the square above. The image is also reversed.