First project: bucks for candy mold

My daughter has to do a project on a molecule. She chose theobromine, which is part of chocolate. Part of the project is an “artistic representation”. She/we decided to make chocolates with the theobromine molecular representation on them.

While making the second training project (storage box), I had her make a doodle that we scanned and engraved. She was the one that wanted to do the same thing with her drawing of the molecular representation, instead of 3D printing one. So, she drew it up and in less than an hour we had 4 disks with a copy of her drawing. A batch of 2 part silicone later and we had a mold.

We’re now in the process of making the chocolates. They are coming out great! The chocolates are picking up all the detail of the disks, which picked up all the detail of her original drawing.


Oooo cool

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What brand of silicone did you use?


Excellent! What a good learning activity…

I used smooth on mold max 30. 1:1 by volume; very easy to mix.

Used the wife’s brownie pan for the form. She was a bit circumspect about the process, but once we paid the “mommy tax” of one coin, she was pleased.


This is too cool! What a great job and opportunity completed!

What fun the two of you are having!

Wow!! I bet the teacher will be impressed as well. Nice work

She’s already planning to give one to all her teachers, not just the science teacher. The family is only getting the broken/thin ones.