Fishtank base

This is a present for my wife. She has a small (10" x 10") fishtank, and this is little base for it to sit on, with enough space underneath to hold the air pump and for an extension cord to plug in the air pump, water pump, and filter.

The base design was done in Fusion 360; it has three sides that are tabbed together (and tabbed into the top) and then a removable end piece to provide access.

The design was exported using the Shaper Origin export add-in, which is a great way to get from a Fusion 360 design to something cuttable.

The base part was cut with my Shaper Origin as the material is a bit thick (12mm) for the Glowforge and I need partial depth cuts.

After the cutting, the base was assembled, spray painted with black, and then the sides were masked with blue tape, and a small row of fishes was engraved on each side with the glowforge.

Those fish were then filled with acrylic paint using a small syringe with a very thin tip.

Here is the result.


Looks perfectly suited to the task!

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That’s got a good varnish/top coat on it right? I know water always gets on whatever is under a fish tank :stuck_out_tongue:


Nice project.

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Awwww, the fishies are a perfect addition! Practical yet beautiful, that’s my favorite kind of project.

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Very cool! (The fishies are my favorite too!) :grinning:

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Nice base … and it’s always nice to decorate! The fish look great!

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