Flattening a logo image

See above :wink:

Your videos are so easy to understand! I followed allong with them without any issue at all!!! I can not THANK YOU enough!!!


Thank you! I have been on a never-ending mission ever since I got my GF (a little over 3 years now, I believe) for either an online class, a real-life class, OR even one that you take at your own pace that specifically teaches AI for laser file designing. If I knew AI enough, I would start a business. And it would fly off the handle! Find a need+Fulfill the need= business!!! I just need to learn AI enough! Also, learn how to make spunky videos. Oh yeah, and learn how to edit videos.

YOU, on the other hand, already know how to do ALL of the above, obviously! Quite well, I might add. I will be the first one to sign up! HAHA! ( I am so serious, though.) HAHAHA!!!



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