Fun with Texture

Considering how far we’ve come from my first Commodore 64…no , the magic definitely isn’t lost on me anyway. I look at the whole Make movement in rapt amazement.


Ooo, that’s an awesome effect! I will have to try it–thanks!

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Ooh, that is really cool. I didn’t know that union would do the smart thing on paths. That is going to make a lot of my designs much easier.


We have been around long enough to have that perspective. There is only one way to get it, survive long enough to have a wide comparison. It’s our superpower. :sunglasses:

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woah! I wanna do this. I added a texture to a font and converted it to shapes, in, and checked it was correct in inkscape.

But the glowforge doesn’t know about the texture.

How was the texture added?

In the SVG I see it adds

<pattern id=“pattern-1” width=“13.0220588” height=“13.0220588” x=“26.47794” y=“938.727941” patternUnits=“userSpaceOnUse”>
> <use xlink:href="#image-2" transform=“scale(0.271292892,0.271292892)”>
> </pattern>
> <image id=“image-2” width=“48” height=“48” xlink:href=“…”/>
> <path d="…" id=“KATELL-JENTREAU” fill=“url(#pattern-1)”/>

You need the text as a stroke and no fill. In Inkscape, if your texture pattern is a vector use “Edit- Make Bitmap copy”.
Then select your texture and the text and use “Object-Clip-Set”. That will clip the bitmap outside of the text. The glowforge doesn’t handle clip paths yet, so select the clipped bitmap and again and “Edit-Make Bitmap Copy”.
That will work in the glowforge. :sunglasses:


That error still comes up about clip paths, but there’s one difference now…you can dismiss it and ignore the actual clip path part (the filled square that shows in the UI) and just engrave the image/text underneath it. I’ve been doing it many times in the past several weeks.



but what happens when you do that? photo pls.