Funny names for pencils

I have a few nieces and nephews in the 5-10 range so I thought I would make some pencils with their names on them. I decided to ask my friend if her 11yo daughter would like some as well and wanted to know if she wanted her first name, first last, or something else. She has asked for “UR Mom” and “Sussy Baka” (it’s an insult related to Among Us). I would like to add in a few more funny insult names to round it out, a set of 5-8 would be great. I have no kids and have never been into insults so I have no idea what else to use. Google wasn’t terribly helpful and I can’t think of where to ask on Reddit. :joy:

So… can anyone give me kid-friendly/pre-teen funny insult names for pencils? Thanks so much.


So the example that comes to mind is “too cool to do drugs”:

Maybe you can come up with a clever way to use what they accidentally did, make something that changes the meaning as it’s sharpened?


GOAT (means Greatest Of All Times)

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This pencil is stolen
Not a pen
Glue sniffer
Lard lipped
Hay seed

There are dozens (hundreds?) of insult videos on Tik Tok (you don’t have to have the app installed to search/view)


I like “This pencil is stolen” and “not a pen,” thanks.

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Not really an insult but thanks!

I’ll ask my kids, i seriously have to ask for a translation all the time now… like when they say “that kid never touches grass.” It means they are inside gaming all the time…i hear this alot now because one of my son’s closest friends is trying out for an esports team, so no one has seen him in months :rofl::rofl:

But funny that playing Among Us teaches kids Japanese :rofl::rofl: (just focused on the baka part…) son calls husband “hage jiji” all the time too…bald old man… but I’ll have to ask on the kids funny stuff… they go through new things practically every week.


My son has informed me that he has graduated from kids insults to adult insults now, so that I would have to ask my daughter, as she is less mature than he is. :roll_eyes: He’s 3 years younger…


If it was for a boy I would suggest anything related to farts… Lol

Maybe something about magical unicorn poop? Lol

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I don’t know any funny names, but how about some Shakespearean insults instead?

• ‘‘Villain, I have done thy mother"
• “Away you three inch fool”
• “I’ll beat thee, but I would infect my hands”
• “I am sick when I do look on thee”
• “More of your conversation would infect my brain”
• “Thine face is not worth sunburning”
• “Thou art unfit for any place but hell”
• "Thou damned and luxurious mountain goat’’
• “You are as a candle, the better burnt out’’
• “Your brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after voyage”
• “Drunkenness is his best virtue”
• ''Thou crusty batch of nature~”
• “The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes”
• “Out of my sight! Thou dost infect my eyes”
• “Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows”


This is perfect. Tell your son that I would appreciate his adult insults. I’m not good at them either. :laughing:


A little long for pencils but amazing nonetheless!

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Yeah I think she would be ok with fart jokes. The family has these little keychains that make fart noises when you walk by them. They are called fart ninjas. She moves them all around the house so they surprise everyone.


I love this…I think this is how I’ll call my kids across a crowded public area now…


There is always the classic Shakespearean insult kit.

You can usually just use column 1 or 2 with an item from 3 for brevity instead of all 3 columns.

Something like “mewling coxcomb” should amuse children.


I fart in your general direction
Your Father smelt of Elderberries



It’s just a flesh wound!
But unless kids have seen The Holy Grail… lol
Many people around here would not know that at all.

I was at a restaurant many years ago with a bunch of attorneys and other professionals after a meeting, something came on TV that was similar to the Knights Who Say “Ni,” I made a joke and they all looked at me like I’d grown an extra head. They had no idea what I was talking about. lol


My kids learned almost all the dialogue in the movie and it wasn’t uncommon for one to start with some phrase and then everyone in the family would pick up and continue the dialogue. We’d do it during backyard pizza parties or when the older ones brought home a gf/bf for dinner. It became something of a test. Sure winner if they jumped in. Loser time if they ran away thinking we were nuts :smiley:


yeah - it’s a good test for dates. :smiley: Good thing for my husband he liked it.

We are always quoting the movie. Our son has seen clips but he hasn’t seen the whole movie.

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I came across something that reminded me of this thread so I wanted to share. Some of these are pretty funny. I don’t know if they’d fit on pencils, but maybe?

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