Fusion 360 slicing for lasers

Good to know. Tell us more!

Of the 12 features listed on the website, on which of them will you not hold shipping units? I suppose if you said “all” you could ship units today! There must be some minimum set of these features you feel must be completed before shipping.


We won’t hold on software that we can field-update.


I don’t understand. There is some software in the machine that can’t be field-updated?

Are you talking about firmware? If so, I was under the impression that it could be field-updated:

Definitely the way to go.

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The firmware can be updated post-ship.


OK, since all software can be field-updated, I guess that implies you’re still working on hardware changes.

I didn’t read it that way. It’s not an either or, statement.

So I read it as they are working on a few things, maybe H/W certainly S/W, but that when ready will not hold up shipment to add S/W or tweak Firmware, other than ensuring the core functions work and are stable.


That is the gist of my original question: completion of which core features constitutes “when ready” to ship? Dan claims software will not hold up shipping. There is no other logical conclusion if Dan’s statement is true.

Edit: technically there are other conclusions that can be drawn, like H/W and S/W are done, but the lawyers are holding it up for other reasons, like safety certification.

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Which is great, since anyone who works in software knows it will never, ever be ready/done. The EHR that runs our hospital was started in 1969 (lab analyzer code) by the founder of my group and was deployed in it’s modern format in 1982 by my boss, added web interface 1999, added all new modern web interface 2005, continuous bug fixes, improvements, etc. Us software guys rarely get to celebrate being done. Sure I may be excited that a release went live, but we have almost always branched and been working on the next release in parallel (some features get moved to the next branch as they aren’t ready for primetime, but core support gets added to the release, etc)


Sometimes it can be kinda sad when everyone around you is talking to you about the big new thing, and for you that was three months ago…


I find that so funny given that you are an exemplary hardware guy in so many ways.


I prefer renaissance man…


LOL, I had a feeling that would be your preferred verbiage.