GF Cutting & Engraving Specifications

The GF app has all of the pre-set cutting and engraving specs for the Proof-grade materials, but it doesn’t have recommended specs for other types of materials. This is expected and understandable. However, is there a way for me to create, store/save my personal cutting and engraving spec (speed, power, passes, etc.) preferences for non-proof grade materials that I often use? Seems odd that I have to re-enter the specs time after time. Please confirm if there is a way to do this.

From what I understand, you can’t save but you can post your settings in the notes on the side bar of the window inside your job. Icon next settings pops it open.

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That information is auto-saved with the file when you close it. (Switching to using Manual settings, which you are supposed to do for non-PG materials, populates that information into the slots and it is saved with the file.)


Fellow forum member @icirellik has been developing a Chrome extension for just that purpose.


And it works great!

Thanks for the answer @jules, that’s right. We appreciate your suggestions and questions @gamaier.

I’m going to close this thread - if you have any additional questions, go ahead and post a new topic. Thanks for letting us know about this!