Glow in the Dark Acrylic?

Hey guys,

Does anyone know where I can get a solid sheet of glow in the dark acrylic? Not something with a painted back, or a sheet with laser-able material on the back (like on Inventables). Something solid like normal acrylic. I don’t want to paint something either :confused:
Preferably 1/8th
I would give them a call and ask for distributors.

Google is your friend! :wink:


I have bought stuff from them before but that is way too big for me. None of this is in their online shop unfortunately. But I’ll call them. Thanks!

@mark14 might find this interesting.

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Are you in the US?

I was just at their place in Phoenix on Monday… (saves shipping). You can buy quarter sheets only 12x24.

I actually bought a piece of their glow in the dark stuff. It was just some glow in the dark material glued to the back of a thin piece of acrylic. I was pretty disappointed after I had spent over $100 on a piece I couldn’t use…