Glowforge and 3D printer Custom Cabinet

Hi All! I’ve had my forge for about 2 months but havnt been able to make anything. Apart from the gift of a good measure when it arrived to check it was working as I have been waiting to get a venting system working.

I also wanted to make a custom cabinet to maximise space efficiency in my small room for the forge and my two Prusa 3D printers (Highly recommend to anyone looking to get a 3D printer)

Anyway I’ve been reading lots of the posts on here and finding them very helpful and wanted to post somthing back, so thought I would show you guys how it turned out!

I’ve got two compartments for the printers with printed brackets to mount rods for the filament spools. I’ve also added some LED lighting as it was quite dark down there.

I then have two sections for some laserable materials with the forge on top. It’s vented through the ceiling with the help of a booster fan in the attic.

Anyone else combining the forge with 3D printed parts ? Interested to see some projects combining the two.

I hope to get making stuff with the forge very soon!


Lots, just search for 3d printing.

You’ll find @pubultrastar’s recent stuff interesting.


Cheers for the recommendation his stuffs pretty interesting!

Nice piece of organization, the lighting makes it. A lot happening in a small footprint!
Also well done on that exhaust system! I blow mine out of the roof, which prevents annoying my neighbors with it… The best solution. :sunglasses:
I feel for those forced to use filters, the maintenance and the expenses of replacement. Makes me glad for all the hassle I went through to route, install, and seal the long run it took.

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Won’t larger prints hit the filament spools? It is hard to see but it looks like the edges of the spools drop below the crossbar.

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Yeah thats partly why I wanted it out the roof rather then just out a window. Its not off in a nice discrete area.

I think its more just the camera angle. But I’m not totally sure now you point it out, maybe if theres something tall at the very front of the printer it might be close. I’ll need to check when I get home ! I’m seeing the cabinet as a work in progress so I can easily move the spool holder forward a bit if needs be.

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Currently building the Nerdy Gurdy with Glowforge cut parts and 3D printed parts from my son’s 3D printer. Will post pics when finished!

I just got a a Gomega Quad but have not managed more than just getting it out of the box. I am looking for something for it to live on as well but I have many ideas that I need to get from mind to computer first,

Very cool ! I have not seen one of them before

Often thats the hardest part !

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