Glowforge moves image

I have attached am image of what Glowforge does. I put the image at the bottom of a non proofgrade material. I put it just where I want it, but when it goes to engrave, Glowforge always moves it off the edge. If I use proofgrade material, it doe not move it. How do I keep it on the edge?

If you have not previously done so Glowforge will set the focus and move the view to match just before cutting. If you use the set focus the view will move to the correct place for the height of the material, at which you can then make whatever adjustments you want. I sometimes use set focus several times to make sure.


The image the camera shows you is a software-corrected image created from the big round image the fisheye lens actually captures. Out toward the edges, it’s going to be less accurate because of the software correction, so when you want to put your image somewhere besides the center, use the Set Focus tool to center the software correction at that point, and THEN place your image. That will make your final result more accurate.

(The reason your image is moving, by the way, is because when the camera auto-focuses on your material it’s automatically correcting for the detected material height. If you’ve used Set Focus first, that won’t happen.)




I understand what you are saying. But, where is Set Focus? I am brand new at this and still learning. Appreciate your help.

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Never mind, I think I found it! Thank you!!


For the future- after you set your material - run the job at a power of 1 or 2, it’ll mark the masking without going through it - then, after a few minutes, if it looks perfect to you - stop the job, change the power back to the correct settings, and click Print (don’t move anything)
If it doesn’t look perfect you can adjust and start the test again.


WHAT?! I clearly need to do more research, this is game-changing information when I’m trying to place cuts on irregular pieces!!


Back in the days before Set Focus this was the common work around and I used it a lot. Now that accuracy has increased so much I can’t think of when I used it last.


I like that idea! Thanks

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I only use it for no-turning-back one shots :slight_smile:

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