Glowforge claims there are many users here in Hawaii. I’m trying to determine of there are enough of us to form a user group, share ideas, teach one-another new ways of using this beast.
So, drop me a note if you have a Glowforge and live on Oahu.
I wish you luck finding even a quarter of the users on Oaha, as the vast majority of owners either use an alternative platform or go it alone. I have run across local owners that I had no idea existed because they are neither here nor on Discord.
Q: How can you tell if a glowforger is from Hawaii?
A: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you!
This search will show you what I mean, Hawaii is one of those places that people tell you about right away. I can’t blame you, I’d tell everyone too if I lived there!
Not me, but @amandarogers808 are on the Big Island. I was lucky enough to get to go through their Koa stock when I was on vacation a couple years back. I think we purchased an entire carry-on’s worth of wood!