Heheh, covert leaning…
Thanks for the input!
A request for future episodes:
Lots of people who see these aren’t regulars on the forums. So do a quick @karaelena, @?______, @Rebecca, @dan, @?______ (yeah… I am a regular but I suck with names… so I don’t even know everyone).
That way anyone who wants to see other posts by someone who was talking, or otherwise know who they are on the forums, can track them down.
Just embed the video, then add the @name tags in the order they display at the bottom for the video thumbnail. Should help quite a bit.
@takitus and @polarbrainfreeze are the names you are looking for…
We had little names bars in previous videos, but the plugin hasn’t been working the last 2 times. We will try to fix that in the future.
Here is a suggestion that might keep things going… Whenever you can’t get a staff member to guest star, ask one of the gifted folk from the fourm.
Do I see two tubes?
We were supposed to do monthly shows, but have actually had so much to talk about we’ve been doing them twice a month!
OK…a little dim, here. I have thought I might like to sit in on one of the ‘talk shows’ but haven’t been able to figure out how to find out when you do them. I always watch them after the fact. After listening to all of them so far, I don’t know that I could contribute a thing, but I’d enjoy sitting in with all of you. How do you announce when the show will be on live, so I can join in?
The shows are pre-recorded then released a couple hours after there are done. The original schedule was once a month. But with all the things that has been happening it’s been bi-weekly.
As for additional hosts, I am happy with the current line up. And I think the show flows better with same contributors v.s. rotating every show. But if one of the hosts need to duck out for some reason. I’ll bring in someone to fill that spot for that show. I already have a list of backups that PM’d me a while back when I was asking if anyone was interested in the hosting position.
As for adding a forum member to the guest spot, that maybe something we’ll consider. We are all new to this and still refining the show.
Though I am glad to hear that people are enjoying it (nonetheless even watching it). Hell we even had a show make it in a news article.
So high fives all around @takitus @rebecca & @polarbrainfreeze
Single tube. Can’t even think what you would use a second tube for, unless they were significantly different power levels I suppose.
I think that forum guests would be a good move eventually. Because at some point you will run out of things to talk about. Well… maybe. Until we have shipments you have updates on production to discuss. And once we have shipments, you have your own work to discuss.
Oh on your laser…it looked like one side was clear and the other side was…I guess you’d call it …fouled.That is why I asked if it was two tubes…thinking different company et al.
I think I saw an Epilog at Maker Faire that has both a CO2 and a YAG tube. Pretty neat idea! Though the YAG was only 30W so it couldn’t quite cut through metal.
Ah One side just happened to get cleaned a little bit after we did an endurance test (18 hours nonstop cutting on a thick sheet of crappy MDF… so much dust in the air that day…)
Oh, that would be nifty, different wavelengths on a single system.
And I just remembered one laser cutting setup which needs two lasers… making those 3D images engraved in the middle of acrylic blocks. Two lasers on different planes, causes an engrave at their intersection only.
You guys are amazing! such a dedicated community. this was great info, much appreciated.
I have to say it was great having @dan on. He gave us some nice inside details on things we were still in the dark on. It’s really cool to see how much thought went into the design of this product, and how many new innovative features they’re putting in.
My confidence in this thing is as high as it has ever been.
Could you use a prism, merge two lasers and get more power density? I know the lasers wouldnt be in phase, and im sure that would mess something up. But maybe two 40W tubes are cheaper than an 80W?
I suspect spot accuracy and kerf would likely go up with that kind of a setup. but dang what a cool idea
the National Ignition Facility
As @ihermit2 says, combining two beams into one location would be possible essentially only at one point, so the kerf would increase. I haven’t worked with prisms much except to make rainbows… I suppose in theory you could get a beam in on each side and have them come out the bottom perfectly overlapped… but that would take some serious shift in refractive indexes, which I don’t think usually happens with low absorption materials (but could be wrong about, I barely ever study optics)