Glowforge Talk Show #5 - Maker Faire Bay Area Recap With Special Guest!

If, as @smcgathyfay has found with her lasers, the tube will need replacing in 8 to 13+ years I’m pretty sure I’d be happy to call that the life of the machine.

Agreed, replacing the filter counts as maintenance, I had neglected that in my thinking. ATM, I wouldn’t really count wiping the mirrors as maintenance, depends how difficult it is.

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That’s for Universal lasers…the Glowforge has a different type of laser tube…more like 1-2 years life. span…

Aha. You learn something new every day. Serves me right for not paying more attention to the details.

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Looks to me like you found an excellent compromise. That is a very well-rounded group and I always learn something from each show. Too bad you can’t bring Josh in, but that probably wouldn’t be fair to Josh - he’d be inundated with questions he couldn’t answer…

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