Glowforge updates: the road to production

I liked this thread a lot more when it was derailed…


LOL - we now return to your regularly scheduled coffee klatsch


How about A unicorn that poops rainbow ice cream?


That unicorn is just a shill… hahahaha LOL


I’ll put some thought into that. But wouldn’t it be like neopolitan? People eat it, but is it really anyone’s favourite?


From my perception, each time they delayed, the new schedule likely seemed reasonable based on the issues that were known at the time along with a little padding. The unfortunate fact when doing things that haven’t been done before is that new issues pop up after you solve previous ones.

When you are a project planner with an already late project, you are going to make your best stab at guessing how long such issues are going to take to solve. You get the best input from the others on your team, then layer that into your overall schedule. If you have times (probably with some padding) for all the things currently known as ship stoppers, then you can make a reasonable guess as to how long it will take to get past the known ship stoppers.

What you’re not going to do is assume that there are more than x% of more ship stoppers hidden. X might be 10 or 25, but certainly not 100 or more. Lots of tools exist to help model this, but you’re never going to be able to account for all of the Unknowns.

What they might have been able to do better is to announce further delays at the time they realize their not going to meet the (then) current estimate. There have been times when they stuck with the current plan of record right up to the date for start of delivery before they announced the next delay. However, earlier messaging would not change the actual resultant timeline and it may have pissed people off even more because there would have been more delays by count, even if not more time delayed.

I, personally, think @dan and team have done a good job in keeping us in the loop.


Sure, just like polka dots is/are my favorite color.

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Don’t feel bad I ordered mine Oct. 17 2015 and still have nothing

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Not to muddy the water but to what I hope is help in accepting the delivery date. I will be one of the later ones to receive my GF. I was dismayed and concerned, but that was long ago. My son suggested that the delays were software related and software is doable. that it didn’t suggest problems with the finished product. Just be patient and you will benefit from the clean code and technical improvements along the way. So, I’ve waited and will be happy to receive mine later this year.

i ordered another product - only perifically related and the product was not released as promised. I asked about it and they sent a partial product a month later. A partial product to partially satisfy me. I wrote them a second time and suggested they hang on to the product - clean all the bugs and let me know when it is deliverable (as GF has done)

Glowforge has been a lesson in faith for me and patience. I only speak for myself and as my formal work life has only recently ended and am not in a bad place in terms of needing to generate an income. As evidenced by all the reports i am more and more convinced the my trust has been well placed.

I hope this is


I have ordered mine on Sep 25, 2015 order #R430500638. Basic with filter. Are you telling me that I won’t get it till December 17? I understand you want to deliver the best but that means you are 1 year late from original promise. First Dec 2016, then March, now October, filter December. It appears to me I could have put my money in savings account for 2 years and buy it now and still get it delivered on time since everybody gets it in November 17.

Thanks, Otmar

That is correct. If you had known, you could have put your money in a savings account for a couple of years. But since you ordered during the crowdfunding - if you tried to buy it now it would cost you a couple thousand more to do it. :wink:

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No and no.

You should get the option of getting your Basic without the filter anytime from now through October based on their rollout. You should get the filter no later than the end of December. If you choose to have them hold your Basic until the filter is ready it’s no later than the end of December but may be sooner based on their current schedule as others are receiving their (GFs, not filters) now.

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I’m sorry our update was unclear. If @jamesdhatch’s post did not clarify, please email and they can help.


You’re welcome! :wink:


OMG! I love Choco-Tacos! (Why’d you have to do that?) :smile:


They sprang immediately to mind when I read his post… like hey, they make that!


It’s not crapping ice cream but that’s close enough! haha I forgot about those! :smiley:


That was an exhausting thread. Let me make it longer.

As far as expectations go, when I ordered Oct 15/15 I was under the impression units would ship Dec 15. Ok I was new to the Crowdfunding game, and expected a few months delay. THIS is not what I expected. I’m concerned with the what appears to be a 4 week pause in actual shipped units, with nothing but speculation from users in the forum.

Even by conservative estimates, production volume is at a trickle.


Units are shipping again, UPS notices went out last night, a couple forum members get theirs TODAY! I receive mine on Monday. I’m sure more are on the way.


Yah, but it’s still a trickle, and I don’t think any of the notices that went out were for Pro units. At this point we should be seeing bunches of shipping notices every couple of days.