Glowforge won’t cut through on right side

I can’t get my brand new Glowforge to cut through on the right side of the machine. I am using proofgrade material on the correct setting. I have not heard from Glowforge support in over 24 hours, so I am posting again. Please help! Thanks!

They responded to your post yesterday - yesterday. It looks like you opened a 3rd ticket by sending an email so they responded there. If you haven’t received that email you need to check your spam folder, and add to your whitelist. If you have received that email you should respond there.

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@brittjpope25 I am so sorry your Glowforge printer is not cutting through on the right side. It looks like you we are currently addressing this issue in an email. I’m going to go ahead and close this forum post and we will continue following up with you there.

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