Hi everyone! I hope someone can help. I have purchased my own laser proof plywood rather than using proof-grade materials. I have also purchased a large roll of masking/painters tape to put over the top of the wood to prevent burn marks. However, although the tape is great at preventing burn marks, it often leaves a brown colouring to the wood where the glue has become hot during lasering. This is often only in parts so causes the wood to look discoloured/burnt in parts. Can anyone recommend a good tape, available to purchase in the UK that does not cause this to happen?
Thank you for any help you can offer!
What you’re looking for is masking material. Unfortunately every discussion I’ve seen has been about us suppliers, but almost all of it is purchased online, so perhaps it might ge viable if shipping isn’t too much.
Here’s a good thread about it.
Often local sign shops will have it or know where to get it. You might want to inquire with them to see if they know where to find it.
It’s generally called “transfer” or “application” tape. If you search for UK-based sign-making material suppliers, you’ll find it. As stated, a local sign shop might recommend a supplier to get you started.
UK Amazon doesn’t carry the variety we have in the US, unfortunately.
Where are you located? (former Brit. here…)
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