God Bless America! - UPDATED with Wood Base

You are teaching a lot of us. Thanks for taking the time to document your projects so well.


Really? Wow, thanks! Glad to help, and glad to hear :slight_smile:


Wow, interesting. Yeah, Iā€™ve noticed little shiny spots here & there, kind of liquefied & mostly re-hardened, but sometimes with still a little bit of tackiness.

I just figured that this is par for the course, and didnā€™t even think of reporting it. I.E. if you set fire to a petroleum based product, youā€™re usually going to be left with some melted / polymerized residue.

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I only get that when Iā€™ve overpowered the cut and melted the stuff from flashback - when the settings are correct, everything cuts nicely with no residues.


interestingā€¦I think Iā€™ve seen it on engraves, with the pg auto settingsā€¦but I usually use the darkest engraves, so maybe thatā€™s why?

The difference between adding in the design space versus the workspace is interesting. I havenā€™t noted that difference with rasters. But then, I donā€™t believe I have been able to even upload an svg as a raster into the workspace before. This is new I believe (and SVG doesnā€™t show on the popup, but it does show up in the file selection menu.)

I tested it out with some bitmap squares and then SVGs. No difference.

For those grappling with dimensions of bitmaps for the first time, that can be quite a challenge. Not sure what you are familiar with.

There certainly are some things to learn about bitmap resolution and sizing. For example, a 1/2" square vector exported as a 150 pixel image at 300 DPI becomes an 1 1/2" square and at 600 DPI becomes a three inch square.

But adding the SVG as a raster in the design space is a plus but it only gives the engrave option. Unless this has been there all along and I just donā€™t recall it since I was so focused on not be able to load a second vector in the workspace.


The part that disables autofocus is changing the focus height on a step, not for the whole material.

There arenā€™t any laser focus issues that I know of. The only focus issues Iā€™ve heard reported are lid camera focus.

If you mean go through the material without affecting it and then vaporizing the inside, then Iā€™m afraid not.

Please address all questions to support first. Answers here are always helpful and well-intentioned but not always correct. Further, if we donā€™t know weā€™re confusing people, weā€™ll never fix it.


Update in OP on 4/10/17; milled out a wooden base for the wire and LEDs