A friend who took advantage of one of my referrals has perfected a double spiral bowl design and is now selling the product on Etsy. There is a lot of subtlety in his work. It has been really interesting watching the iterative design process and the end result is stunning!
Thanks for the support BBum. It took a few iterations to get here. Next step is to make a slightly smaller one so that I can fit it all on one sheet. Right now, it takes 5 sheets makes 4 baskets in the oval size. ( the round version is 1 for 1) .
My design continues to evolve. I have managed to get the spiral to lay in a goodly way without the steps on the stand and it all cuts from one sheet of wood now.
that is 1/8 birch plywood from woodpeckers (easy to find on amazon). It also works with the walnut, maple and cherry ply from the glowforge store. I am going to try acrylic next week.
Update: I continued to develop/ refine these until everything works in balance. On a whim, I wrote to a very prestigious museum to see if they wanted to carry them in their gift shop and web store. It was a long shot. Fast forward a few months: today, I got my first order from that same Museum for quantities of both the a round and a oval versions. I am stoked. May the forge be with you…