Grants from Glowforge to fund your creativity at Maker Faire

If GF was willing to expand on this I bet there are high reward projects to give some assistance to.

I volunteer for Girls Learning Code, sub-group to LLC.

We run sessions for girls from 6-17 to show them how great programming is, and that they can do this as a career if they’d like. Get them hooked while they are young :wink:

If GF threw materiel at me I could make them medallions for completing the course at the cost of etching the GF logo and name on the back. That’s an easy win for everyone.

I’d apply for smaller grants of that nature if they existed, food for thought.

The application could even ask for the pre-print plan and repetitions of that plan based off the number of girls registered. Easy peasy.


I fail to see how the venting is misplaced but it is a bit of venting. I agree it may not harm their long-term business too much. But I will say that damaged perception does hurt the business. If you look at other forums, people swarm like sharks, it seems, towards the glowforge. The perception of not caring about the customer is fodder for people like that

For those interested in what to possibly expect, here is some first hand experience:

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my comment about it being “misplaced” are about complaining that they’re spending their marketing dollars on something you don’t like when the real issue is being unhappy that they’ve missed deadlines with production and you don’t have your unit yet. changing where they spend their marketing budget won’t get you your unit any faster, so complaining that they’re doing something that won’t change what you’re unhappy with seems misplaced to me.

again, i understand the frustration with delays and not having your unit. i’m not thrilled with it either. i just don’t think this is a hill worth dying on since it really doesn’t affect the actual problem.


I think you may be misunderstanding what is happening here.
Beyond the guidelines, GF has very little to do with what is said here and what is flagged. The forum is largely driven and “policed” by its members. We are the ones who flag, not the GF staff.
Generally they will only flag if another member posts outside of those guidelines.
In this case, the post that was removed certainly was, the remaining flagged post, when taken in context with the removed post, could easily been interpreted as such, however, with the removal of the initial post, it now seems to be far less offensive. The removal has removed the context and to a certain degree, the offensiveness.


My complaints are multifaceted but they stem from them participating in THIS event and thus are not misplaced. Im not upset solely by delays, Im upset that they neglect the more important issue by doing this. You dont have to validate or agree with my assessment but my venting is most certainly not misplaced.

well, we’ll have to agree to disagree that they’re neglecting the more important issue by doing this, because that’s the exact argument i’m disagreeing with.


I am well aware that the community flags posts and not the GF staff. That’s the point of my first post. I wish people wouldn’t flag posts inappropriately.
And I can only go off the posts that are hidden (thus flagged) but still viewable. That post wasnt offensive.

@sameolegrind, the only reason the posts were deleted is the poster directly attacked other members of the forum who disagreed with them. I agree sometimes people flag too quickly, but from my perspective Dan only ever seems to uphold flags if they attack forum members and/or post things against the community guidelines. Attacking @dan, or Glowforge is almost never deleted or filtered, and Dan usually removes those flags leaving the post.


And you are certainly free to disagree with me.

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I agree with removing such comments. I never saw those. I did see others though that don’t seem to fit the flagging guidelines at all. That was the only reason I mentioned it.

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I disagree with myself a lot of times, but I have to live with me (sometimes I hate that (me) guy) :neutral_face:


Sure, and I agree that some of the flags were given too easily.

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I’m not sure I do.
Just having the conversation.:grinning:

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Considering the financial impact of it, consider this… the amount Glowforge Marketing is committing towards this scholarship amounts to around the same amount as hiring a person and paying their salary over the same 2-3 day timeframe to resolve any shipping/production issues.

Except it takes considerably more than throwing money at a person or problem to “fix the problems in shipping” that people seem to take issue to how Glowforge allocates their money. It’s a flippant soundbite of a “solution” that isn’t really a productive reaction anyways.


I like you!


[quote=“dan_berry, post:99, topic:9215”]
It’s a flippant soundbite of a “solution” that isn’t really a productive reaction anyways
[/quote] Its also a solution I never suggested.

Looks suspiciously like my avatar… :smile:


Actually gave me butterflies.:grinning:


I think there is a misunderstanding on how flagging works in Discourse. If you get too many flags in a short enough amount of time, then all your posts are automatically hidden, if they were flagged or not. Once the posts are reviewed, then they might be unhidden or removed or whatever.

Currently, I’m only seeing one hidden post right now.