Very cool! Those houses are especially great with all the detail. You’ll have to post after the kids finish coloring them too. (I gotta tell ya though, the OCD in me could not have that much empty space between the cut outs though lol.)
Hahah. It was last minute get er done work. And the stack of wood infront of our house is pretty crazy.
Those will be really cute colored up. Permanent markers or colored pencils should work great.
When you cut out a bunch if similar parts (even deliberately out of the scrap) and giving the creative power to the kids with a bunch of glue and paints to put on cardboard, they could have work that would decorate refrigerators for years to come!
Very cute!!!
Those houses are great!
I will say, we are in no danger of running out of material, but I’m still very cautious to nest cuts.
Love those!
Do you use anything like SVG nest? Or just by eye? Mahalo!
Thank you. Just some good Halloween fun
I usually just eye it, but, I do a lot in the Silhouette software. It has nesting ability.
looks great, great idea