September 17, 2018, 1:35pm
Oh wow you’re going to have so much fun.
There are a few posts out here that might help with getting started — you sound like you’ve got the svg side down but there are a lot of laser specific gems in here:
The Glowforge team recommends working through your first prints by following along with the examples shown here to learn where everything is:
They have also recently added instructions with video on using the Manual settings here:
Working with Manual Settings
And there are methods for Enhancing your Photo Engraves and Cutting Out a Shape as well.
(You can click on the topic headers in the left-hand column for even more information.)
That particular page is also handy if you have any p…
Then there is this post talking about materials, tools, and extras that are good to have:
Ok…next week is my scheduled email date. (Yes…kinda excited!) I’ve saved vacation days… and bought up every small box the I thought would fit in a GF even with taking the tops off. I’ve also held onto a bonus work gave out for Christmas. Cutting boards I have on my list… and acrylic… any other ideas would be greatly appreciated. Also… if I order proofgrade items… what is the turnaround? Thank you very much…
You’re going to love it