Heart Shaped Box

I built a nice heart shaped box from Poplar plywood and posted it over on instructables, build files and all.
If you like it, please feel free to upvote it in the various compeitions :slight_smile:


Nice Box! I like the Design :slightly_smiling:

I assume the smudges on the underneath of the lid are from the cutting process. Does anyone know of effective solvents to remove the markings that don’t adversely affect the wood?

They’re reflections from the metal underneath the material.
You don’t need solvents. A wet cloth will do it, or sandpaper.
You can also masking tape the area before cutting,
Or suspend the wood by the edges so that there is no reflection (pin bed rather than honeycomb)
most of the time I leave them, it’s part of the character of laser cutting.

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We place thin magnetic strips in the corners before we cut. This way there is no deflection. A quick hit with a sander and 220 grit will take that off also.

oh, i love that, Valentines day surprise next time this year: planned

That’s awesome

Just want to say thanks for sharing your design and files.

It’s very helpful for people like me that are new to lasers to see a file and how its setup and how that comes out in the actual finished product.

Because someone has to, obligatory Nirvana reference…

Heart-Shaped Box